The SPMI Podcast

EP #32: Uncovering The Shocking Truth Behind Athlete Smartphone Addiction: 8 Powerful Solutions

Episode Summary

The Social Epidemic of Smart Phones is one that has exploded over the past decade and even more since the pandemic. Today I cover many of the depths of why this is such a pervasive problem in youth sports and beyond. To cover this topic at a deeper level, I will be taking many of the findings from a powerful new book recently released by Jonathan Haidt titled, “The anxious generation.” I highly recommend parents and athletes who are eager to learn more to read this. Also, I will take data from my own findings throughout the past year from my work with numerous athletes. Lastly, other data and ideas will be used in this podcast from other reputable outside sources. If you are a parent of an athlete , coach, or athlete you will most likely find this podcast enlightening, beneficial, and perhaps triggering. But remember this podcast is only to help inform you to make the best decisions based on what works for you, your athlete, and even your family. As always, thanks for listening.

Episode Notes

The Social Epidemic of Smart Phones is one that has exploded over the past decade and even more since the pandemic. Today I cover many of the depths of why this is such a pervasive problem in youth sports and beyond. To cover this topic at a deeper level, I will be taking many of the findings from a powerful new book recently released by Jonathan Haidt titled, “The anxious generation.” I highly recommend parents and athletes who are eager to learn more to read this. Also, I will take data from my own findings throughout the past year from my work with numerous athletes. Lastly, other data and ideas will be used in this podcast from other reputable outside sources. If you are a parent of an athlete , coach, or athlete you will most likely find this podcast enlightening, beneficial, and perhaps triggering. But remember this podcast is only to help inform you to make the best decisions based on what works for you, your athlete, and even your family. As always, thanks for listening.